What a weekend!!!

I’ve just had the most amazing weekend! The wedding was gorgeous and the party kicked ass!! 🙂 The weather sucked but we stayed warm by dancing and all the good mood that everyone was in.

Wedding this weekend

Not not mine! 😉 Tomorrow I’m going to Hjo to attend Lina and Fredriks wedding. Lina and I worked together at MQ Backaplan. I’m really excited!! I’ve got two dresses to chose between but it’s leaning towards the purple… I’ll post some pictures of course!
Tonight I’m teaching a dance class and the rest of the evening will be spent preparing myself for the trip and wedding tomorrow. Have a great weekend! I’ll be back soon!

Då var det dags igen… har kontoret mittemot Operan… där en massa studenter för andra året i rad springer ut och kör förbi på sina flak och lastbilar. Hög musik tex “Macarena” har ingen av oss lyckats undvika trots stängda fönster…

Men det är klart att man unnar dessa ungdomar lite kul! För det verkliga livet är ju lite tuffare än så upptäcker man ganska så snabbt. Tufft på ett för det mesta bra och lärorikt sätt. Gillar när livet kastar en lite utmaningar. Ångrar inget jag varit med om – allt har tagit mig dit jag är idag och gjort mig till den jag är idag. Gillar att vara över 30, ok 32 nästa söndag.. 😉 älskar att jag känner mig trygg i mig själv och landat… Jobbar fortfarande på att tygla min otålighet och impulsivitet men den gör ju mig till den jag är så jag jobbar inte så hårt på det.. 😉

Snart är det dags för mig att gå till gymmet. Jag och Lena ska teama den nya Sats Dansen.

Fia dissar…

Idag dissar jag Swebusexpress för att de har ett riktigt efterblivet bokningssystem.

En varning till er alla om ni ,som jag, tar förgivet att väljer man ett en utresa i juli så hamnar returen också i juli inte i JUNI!! Jag kollade datumen väldigt noga men i månaderna. Visade sig att jag hade en resa till Oslo 9 juli med en retur 15 juni… Interesting! Ringde sedan vad jag trodde var Kundtjänst och väntade i kö i 10 minuter för att nå en tjej som sade att datasystemet inte tänkte så logiskt och att jag var tvungen att maila Kundtjänst… Ok??

Lite små-sur skrev jag sedan ett fjäskigt/snyftmail med min historia men fick tyvärr ändå inte boka om min biljett får “så är det bara när man inte har avbeställningsskydd”. FINE!!!

Någon som behöver en biljett från Oslo till Gbg 15 juni?? 23.00… Hör av er!

A weekend full of suprises!

What a weekend!! GORGEOUS weather! Hope everyone has enjoyed it as much as I have?

After Body Combat Cissi and I had som faijtas and rosé wine on my balcony.. and then some white wine.. the plan for the evening was to have some wine at my place and then eventually go out and meet some friends but things never turn out the way you plan do they?! 😉
Cissi´s husband called us and said that his colleague could see Peter´s car from his window.. Turned out he lived one floor down from me so we invited him and his friend up for a glass of wine, then went down to his apartment and had some more wine, and then went back to my apartment and, yes, had some more wine! 😉 We had a blast! Played great music, thank you Spotify, and danced the night away. The hour struck 2 a.m. and we finally called it a night. 🙂

Saturday Cecilia and I hit the “beach” (Hovåsbadet). I was pretty hung over but was determined out getting som color on my face and body. We had a great time just hanging out with coffee and some snacks, looking at people, a couple came by and took their wedding photos and then we went home. I wa pretty tired so the rest of the day/evening was quiet.

Gorgeous dress with gold and the bridesmaids in red.

Today we went to Hovås again and took our second swim in the sea. Yep! No more than 14 degrees! I got home at about four this afternoon, with quite a nice tan I might add, and have been doing laundry, preparing my classes at Sats this coming week and will soon be watching Twilight. Yeey! 🙂

Combat stance! Yah!!

In a little while I’ll be sweating with about 120 other people at the release of the new Body Combat programme at Sats Kompassen. 🙂 And then I’ll be cooking dinner for me and Cissi and enjoying something cool to drink with that..

Whats´everyone else up this evening??

I banged my toe…

into my glass shower wall last night… and it hurt like h*ll!! Highly unecessary and painful! Grr..

Sorry about the pic but just so you all feel really sorry for me! 😉

We found a box full of fun

While cleaning out some our storage space att work we found the most hilarious box full of give-aways from Shanghai. Teeny weeny packages that held huge t-shirts and hidious pants… 😉

“XL?? On what planet?! “

“It´s huge!!” Especially compares to my skinny colleagues!

My boss is a really great sport and tried it on. 🙂

An ordinary morning

A typical breakfast… Small latte and a cheese sanwich on my way to work.

Everything was almost as it always is, busy people on their way to work… except that Femman was open. They have “breakfast shopping” between 7 and 10 today. 20% off! Pretty smart to open early considering the amount of people passing through there every morning.

Grey´s vs real life

I’m watching Grey´s Anatonomy, as I almost always do on wednesdays… but today I can’t really seem to get into it… I’m more thinking about the real life drama and pain that my friends, colleagues and family have all been through and ARE going through right now…

Sometimes you have some time to prepare yourself for the pain, sometimes you inflict it onto yourself and sometimes onto others, sometimes it takes you by surprise and turns your life completely upside down and sometimes you feel like you are about to die, or wish you would. You feel broken. And in fact something did break. Some hopes, some dreams and some memories.

At the moment I’m in a good place but a few of my closest friends and a colleague are in a really rough place. I wish I could make it all better but I can’t. I can only try to support them… and be grateful for where I am right now. Grateful that the confusion and stress that existed only a few weeks ago, the tears that just wouldn´t stop that sunday about 1 1/2 months ago and the enormous pain I was in in august last year are all in the past. I made it through it all and have found a calm and safe place to camp for a while.

I won’t be here forever because without taking risks and daring to hope and dream we don’t get to experience all those great things in life. Like falling in love, feeling that crazy buzz and warmth… Taking chances and daring yourself- and suceeding at that- that feeling is unbeatable!

It would seem that we most go through the bad to appreciate the good…

Good night!